Feeling this essay a lot. A week off from "life" and now coming back to face all of the writing and goals I left from a break staring at me...it's time for list making and dedicated Deep Work time. Spring is my current shiny distraction, though...it's too pretty to miss. Might have to write at night.

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"In general, I’ve found that either a title comes easy, as if it falls from the sky, or it’s exceptionally difficult. Titling doesn’t seem to happen in any kind of happy middle-ground."

... Titling a painting works the same way. The more I write, the more I realize how much the two have in common, both in frustrations and revelations. Central to both is perseverance. It is oh-so-hard to get back on the wagon once I have fallen off.

As always your words are right on time.

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“The hardest thing in the world is generation” - so true. And I’m guilty of it. I tell myself that there is no skill or any talent needed for procrastination.

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Hello, Janisse - A podcast I adore is called Emerging Form, a podcast about creative process.


It’s a rollicking conversation between science writer Christie Aschwanden and poet Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer. They bring in guests/friends from a range of creative disciplines. It is fun, thoughtful, and full of gems.

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Some days I convince myself that I’m just not a writer, that it shouldn’t be so hard. This makes me feel better. Now to get my butt in the seat.

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Goodness, sitting down to write is my most absolute difficulty. It hinders me constantly. Thank you for this. It is heartening to know that you struggle with it also, even with all of the words, pieces, and books you have and are sending forth into the world. I feel now as if I am at least a tiny part of a tribe that struggles forth together.

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Amen! Having a weekly column in a newspaper motivates me! Not a craft book, but a thought: the King James Version of the Bible. Some of the best storytelling lies within. Lyrical, beautiful in the use of repetition, driving with the use of "And" at the beginning of sentences...I bet there's a KJV craft book out there. Regardless of your spirituality and religious beliefs, the language is simply gorgeous.

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Oh, and a podcast suggestion: https://www.theshitaboutwriting.com/ I have only listened to a couple of episodes but I have followed Carly Watters for years on social media and even took a book proposal talk from her a few years ago and trust what she says.

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Years ago when I had in front of me a very big challenge a person made me a poster that said "Just Do It !". (I think we have heard this before!). I kept "showing up". And, I did do it (by the grace of God). Amen!

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I love the powerful word "channeling" especially in context of your main title Craft and Concept. What about Craft and Current: Channeling the Magic of Writing to Change Your World. I also like the idea of channeling magic and four "c" words for more alliteration. On the flip side, if you want a shorter title/subtitle Craft and Current: the Magic of Writing. Period. Use "channeling" and "change your world" in intro and other places. I know "change your world" is important. Sigh. Yes, titles are difficult.

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Janisse, I read through your TW post the other day and was bogged down in all the suggestions because something felt off...but I couldn't figure it out and I think the secondary title is too long and wordy, or at least the ones that came out of the brainstorming in the comments. But what Julia has adapted here with Channeling, but shortening it--Craft and Current: Channeling the Magic of Writing--works really well, imo. Of course, you'll figure it out and we'll buy it no matter what the title ends up being. "Butt in Chair: How to Write" by Janisse Ray--we'd buy that version, too. ;)

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Bum Glue: how to use creative adhesives safely and productively

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lol I love it!

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I have learned a great deal from Wade Rouse who writes his novels under the name of Viola Shipman. He uses his name for his memoirs. Wade also addresses banishing our fears and stepping into the power of writing.

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The person you speak of is me. It’s not only writing, it’s also other hard things like losing weight, finishing a painting, offering an online course, starting a new business. They are hard and we want to do them, but it’s the getting started. With writing, I always feel like I’ll have time later. Only until I’m ready and hungry for it, will I do it. Here’s a podcast on memoir I like. 🦋


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